Early Church History

Description: This course, using Chadwick’s The Early Church as a backbone, consists of close readings of Acts, portions of The History of the Church by Eusebius, other primary texts from the early Church. Students will learn the basic contours of early Christian history and experience. This course fits the wider audience of both Roman Catholic, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians. Students will need to devote approximately 45-60 minutes per day for this class.  The assessment will primarily be based on participation and weekly comprehension questions, one essay, and the final exam.

Grade Level:  10-12 (ages 15-18) Strong 9th graders can also register.

Prerequisites: Students should be strong readers, able to read primary source texts, be willing to think and work hard, and be able to write grammatically correct, complete sentences.

Required Texts: The Acts of the Apostles (Bible), Acts of the Apostles Student Guide, The History of the Church, The Early Church, and History of the Early Church Student Guide. Teacher Manual optional. Students will also need a USB headset microphone (built-in microphones will also work).
