Latina Christiana

Description: An introduction to Latin for younger students wishing to begin a study of basic Latin. Students will learn three noun and two adjective declensions, two verb conjugations, over 250 Latin vocabulary words, and basic songs and prayers. Students will need to devote 30 minutes per day for this class. The assessment will primarily be based on participation and weekly quizzes. Students will be actively involved in class and will be called upon to recite in class after the first few weeks, once they are more familiar with the language and format of the class.

Grade Level: 3-5 (ages 8-11)

Prerequisites: None. We recommend that younger students use this free typing tool. Heavy-duty typing is not required but this will orient students to the basics of a computer keyboard and very basic typing skills.

Required Materials: Latina Christiana Fourth Edition Student Workbook, Latin Games & Puzzles, Latina Christiana Review Worksheets, Pronunciation CD. Students will also need a USB headset (built-in microphones also work). *Teacher Manual is optional. Can be helpful for spot-checking.

Latina Christiana AAnne ParryM12:30 - 2:00 PM ET9/9/2024-5/30/20250$525.00
Latina Christiana BTess KampsW11:20 AM - 12:50 PM ET9/9/2024-5/30/202513$525.00
Latina Christiana CAnne DillonTh1:00 - 2:30 PM ET9/9/2024-5/30/202510$525.00
Latina Christiana DJennifer BreidenbachM8:00 - 9:30 AM ET9/9/2024-5/30/202511$525.00
Latina Christiana EJennifer BreidenbachT8:00 - 9:30 AM ET9/9/2024-5/30/202512$525.00