The Story of Christianity 

Description: This course is an introductory perspective on church history. The text, The Story of Christianity by David Bentley Hart, is a scholarly but readable portrait of the Christian Church. From the Roman persecution of the earliest Christian communities to the “house churches” in modern day China, this 2,000 year history of Christianity begins with the life Christ covers the most salient events, struggles, and triumphs of all of Christian history. As all courses at MPOA, this study of church history will be ecumenical. At the same time, students will be required to engage with the material in ways that challenge and strengthen their faith. This course is worth 1/2 high school credit, if the class is taken in the high school years. 

Grade Level: 8-12 (ages 13-18)

Required Materials: The Story of Christianity Text and Student Guide. The Teacher Guide is optional. Students will also need a USB headset (built-in microphones also work).
